Shoot Film Co. — publications

New Zine Available in the Shop: "Tiny Plastic Box Volume 1" by Jon Wilkening

New Zine Available in the Shop: "Tiny Plastic Box Volume 1" by Jon Wilkening


Tiny Plastic Box is a set of color pinhole images created by Jon Wilkening, with volume #1 being published in December of 2016.

About Jon:

"I am a recovering cubicle farmer who found his escape path in the form of a camera and a night job. The pinhole camera is my primary camera as I recently sold my Canon 5D because it sat on my shelf unused. I love how simple the 'technology' is and how the simplicity forces me to be far more creative. If I want a particular shot, there is not a direct path and the struggle makes the payoff feel so much greater (and hopefully,the image reflects that). In September (2016), I started a 365 project which the goal of posting a new image every day for a year. The first volume of Tiny Plastic Box is the first 50 images from the project. Seeing the images on the printed page is a magical process especially when you can see over close to 2 months of the journey."

Each copy is signed and numbered and includes a limited edition print from Jon.

Vital Stats:

6" x 9"

52 Pages, color, gloss cover, semi gloss interior pages

Buy Tiny Plastic Box here.

Check out Jon's website and follow him:

Twitter: @jonwilkening

Instagram: @jonwilkening