PhotoMemo FAQ - Film Photography Notebook In-Depth Look

Q: So, PhotoMemo is a notebook?
A: Yes! It's a notebook, specifically designed for photographers who shoot film, but any photographer who wants to put pen to paper to take notes can use it all the same.
Q: Is it preformatted, or are the pages blank?
A: It is preformatted. Each two-page spread is laid out as a roll journal, but you can also keep a log of tech data for every exposure, if you want. The goal was to make it usable as one, or the other, a combination of both, or neither--you can make it your own. The ink color is a balance of being dark enough to read, but light enough to be unobtrusive of your notes and sketches. Here's an example of a spread:
Q: I shoot digital, too. Can I still use it?
Yes! ANYONE can use this notebook for any application. It's laid out in a way to help keep track of your film, but still be versatile enough for everything from minute details all the way to big ideas, lists, and sketches. The ink is balanced to be just dark enough to be easily visible, but light enough to let you be free with your records, notes, lists, sketches, or anything else you need to put on paper.
Q: Isn't there a smartphone app that does this?
A: Yes--there are a few, and by all accounts they do what they do fairly well. This is for folks that like putting pen (or pencil) to paper. Just your thoughts, a writing utensil and some paper, with nothing else to distract your creativity. No need to stare at a screen, type on 2-inch keyboard, charge a battery, or look for a Wi-Fi signal.
Q: What's the paper like?
A: The cover is 100 lb. NEENAH Environment Desert Storm. It's a thick, smooth, writable stock, a bit thicker than an average business card. I chose it as a balance between thickness, weight, and sturdiness. The inside pages are 60 lb. Lynx Opaque Smooth. Again, a balance between thickness, weight and sturdiness. 60 lb. paper is a tiny bit thicker than the 20lb. bond you'd find in an office printer or copy machine. It's also a bit more opaque so the writing won't bleed through nearly as much as it would on 20lb. The biggest factor in choosing this stock is because of it's great feel when writing on it.
Q: Are there any reviews, features, or opinions on PhotoMemo in the media?
A: Yes! Here's a growing list with links:
Daniel Schneider: PhotoMemo is the (film) photographer’s notebook you’re looking for
35MMC: PhotoMemo Books – from Mike Padua’s ShootFilmCo
Alex Luyckx: Photo Notebook Show Down
EMULSIVE: Introducing the PhotoMemo from Mike Padua and Shoot Film Co.
CasualPhotophile: 10 Holiday Gifts for Photo Geeks
FSTOPPERS: Photomemo: A Simple Tool For Film Photographers to Log Their Exposures
PETAPIXEL: PhotoMemo: Simple Memo Books for Film Photographers
Popular Photography: The PhotoMemo Notebook Is Made Specifically For Film Photographers
The Phoblographer: PhotoMemo Effectively Organizes Your Film Exposures Data Logging With Style
Richard Pickup: Photomemo notebook: the photographer's friend
Utah Film Photography: PhotoMemo Photographer’s Memo Book
In Dutch:
Matt Day: Top 10 Gifts for Photographers
Five Accessories Every Film Photographer Should Own and Use
James Cockroft: Unboxing PhotoMemo
In German: PhotoMemo: Notizbuch für analoge Fotografie
Discussion with Sunny 16 Podcast about PhotoMemo Film Photographer's Notebooks
F6 Project - Using Nikon's CLS (Creative Lighting System) and recording data with PhotoMemo
Japan Camera Hunter: In Your Bag # 1512 - Jeb Inge
In Polish: Photomemo - notes dla fanów analoga
General Information:
Current version: "Standard Edition Version 1.03" Released April 18, 2022
- UPC Code 852266007022 and barcode added to back cover
- Interior paper changed to 60# Lynx Opaque Smooth Text
"Standard Edition Version 1.02" Released December 29, 2019
- Spacing adjusted in headers
- Spacing adjusted between body lines on spread pages to allow total 18 lines per page, 36 lines per spread (up from 16/page, 32/spread)
- Graph page spacing adjusted to 5 squares per inch
- Changelog no longer printed on inside back cover; instead a QR code and URL are provided as a link to the FAQ and changelog.
- Version number is printed on back cover
"Standard Edition Version 1.01" Released February 28th, 2017.
- Added "Book Number" field on front cover
-Added index page
- Added page numbers
-Heading line thickness adjusted for visibility/legibility