Shoot Film Co. — 35mm

Kosmo Foto Mono: In Stock and Available to Order (Limited Quantity)

Kosmo Foto Mono: In Stock and Available to Order (Limited Quantity)

Kosmo Foto Mono
Kosmo Foto Mono, an ISO 100 black and white panchromatic film, is in stock and available for purchase now at Kosmo Foto's website.
From Kosmo Foto's website:

Kosmo Foto Mono is a 100-ISO panchromatic black-and-white film, perfect for all 35mm cameras. There are only 500 rolls left and you can only buy there from Kosmo Foto.

The film is an existing emulsion made by a European film producer. It is new stock produced in 2017.

Kosmo Foto Mono can be used on sunny days, overcast conditions or indoors with studio lighting, flash or natural light.

The film is a traditional black-and-white chemistry that can be developed with formulations such as Perceptol, Tetenal and Rodinal.

Please note – this film can not be developed by minilabs that only run C41 processing.

Kosmo Foto Mono can be pull-processed to ISO 50 or push-processed to ISO 400 with corresponding changes in development time.

At last glance, there were less than 500 rolls left to purchase as of this writing, so you might want to hurry!

Grab some Kosmo Foto Mono at this link now!


Konica Hexar RF Video Review


Usually, I like to own a camera for at least a few weeks and shoot 5 or 6 rolls through it before I do a full review. But there was something about this camera that really made me feel at home with the way it operated, so much so that I had to do a review on it after owning it for 3 days and shooting 2 only two rolls of film through it. Check it out this video review of the Konica Hexar RF 35mm film rangefinder camera!


VIDEO: Surprise Vintage Camera Unboxing

I bought a sealed box of vintage cameras without having any idea what was inside. I couldn't resist the temptation. A lot of the fun in discovering this stuff is in the surprise, and when the opportunity presented itself, I couldn't say no. I thought it would be fun to get a video of the unboxing, so here it is!



See photos of the contents here:
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In the Frame: Royce Stevenson

In the Frame: Royce Stevenson

Today, I'm glad to feature film photographer and radio DJ Royce Stevenson. He has a passion for taking 35mm film photos around Kansas and the midwest. Let's talk to Royce to see he's all about.
Image by Royce Stevenson
Your work could be easily characterized as "street photography" but there's also a lot of attention to shadows, structures, architecture, and reflections, too. How would you characterize what you do?
Royce: At first I characterized my photos as street photography, but anymore I try to just take cool photos.  Landscapes, street photography, portraits…  I love them all!  Anymore I try to capture more of a feeling.  Plus I am always trying to capture different moments and events, so as I grow as a photographer I think I focus less of the style of photography that I do, and more on taking good photos.
Image by Royce Stevenson
You have a real commitment to capturing the time you're in and the world around you. The work has a feel of being in the middle of something great and vibrant, like a "right place/right time" vibe. Is this on purpose? How do you choose what you shoot and why is it important to you?
Royce: Wow that means a lot to me that you say that.  My mother was very much into photography.  Growing up she always had her Canon AE-1 program and was taking pictures with it.  My most prized possessions are all of her photo albums.  They mean so much to me because it captures not only my life but everything that was going on at that time.  She passed away 5 years ago and I started getting out and taking pictures with her Canon 50d.  In high school and college I took dark room classes and I wanted to get back into film photography.  One thing I noticed was around my city there were not that many people capturing what was going on.  I live in Wichita, Kansas and I see lots of building photos and landscapes, but I really wanted to capture the people, places and times and of city before they are gone.
Image by Royce Stevenson
You seem to be unafraid to get close and shoot people pretty intimately. Have you always done this? Does it intimidate you to shoot so close to people?
Royce: Shooting people up close terrified me at first and quite frankly still does every now and then.  One thing that helps is I try to go to events that have people I know there.  I have been taking pictures long enough that they are used to seeing me with a camera now so they let their guard down.  I also have a bit of an advantage because I work in radio and people are more apt to let you take a picture of them.  Something I always work on and am getting better at is not holding the camera up all the time like I am trying to get a photograph of a person.  I might catch them not paying attention or in a zone.  Most of the time, the person doesn’t even realize I took a picture of them. But yes I still get nervous and anxious when shooting people.
Image by Royce Stevenson
Your work also has a real sense and reverence for history, specifically the "Kansas Travels" series. What attracts you to those types of places and scenes?
Royce: I love traveling!  One thing that I don’t think most people in Kansas realize is how many awesome places there are to see in Kansas!  I was also a history major in college so when I drive around and see these small Kansas towns I think to myself, who used to live here and why?  The smaller the town the better!  Plus Kansas has quite a few ghost towns so there is always something cool to see.  A great example of this is my ongoing Kansas Carnival project.  Many of the county fairs and small festivals with carnivals are the biggest event for some of the small Kansas towns and counties every year.  They wait for them to come every summer and it is an event they save up for!  If you ever want to see want the soul and heart of Kansas is about, go to one of these county fairs.  Also being born and raised in Kansas, it is who I am and I am so proud that I can represent the state by showing it off in photos.
And finally: You're a Radio DJ! How does this influence your photography?
Royce: Yes.  Many times I am able to get access to places and talk to people that normally I would never be able too.  Also working in radio, you have to be able to feel comfortable talking to strangers and dealing with people.  Having people skills is such a part of it for me.
Make sure to check out Royce's work and connect with him on social media:
Snapchat: royceontheradio

Japan Camera Hunter Introduces StreetPan 400 Black & White Film

Japan Camera Hunter Introduces StreetPan 400 Black & White Film

Japan Camera Hunter StreetPan 400

In a world where megacorporations like Fujifilm want out of the film business, and the makers of Betamax and the MiniDisc are selling you a new digital camera with higher megapixels and faster frames per second every six months, one man has introduced a new film:

Japan Camera Hunter has announced JCH Street Pan 400 black & white film!

Not merely a repackage, but a resurrected emulsion developed, and since discontinued, by Agfa, Street Pan 400 is available for preorder now in 10 packs, and expected to ship in May or June.

Because it is made in small batches at a considerable cost, Japan Camera Hunter needs support and preorders so that he can produce higher batches at lower cost in the future.

I personally pulled out my wallet and placed my order the minute I learned about it, and I can't wait to try it out!

Get the details, including order information and even developing times by clicking here.